Thursday, January 19, 2012

Great Gluten-Free Products

     These products are absolutely amazing!  That sandwich bread takes a bit of getting used to but the taste is spectacular and it is at it's peak when toasted with a bit of strawberry jam on it!  You can buy these products, and a whole lot more, at Kroger, Publix, Whole Food Market, or online at,                                                                  




SisterlyLove said...

OH! this is a wonderful idea! I have a bunch of allergies that i didn't know i had. and so this is wonderful! We have been experimenting a great deal with baking too. But, I must say, my sister is the baking genius in our family. Her stuff always turns out! mine on the other hand is nearly always hit and miss. But i keep trying.
You keep baking away and sharing the recipes and new found treats to be got at Whole Foods and such. It's a worthwhile occupation and I'm sure will make many people happy. (including myself. :)

Amy (yes. that crazy person who writes your sister.)

Marriah N. said...

Thank you! :) I am glad you like it! :)