These products are absolutely amazing! That sandwich bread takes a bit of getting used to but the taste is spectacular and it is at it's peak when toasted with a bit of strawberry jam on it! You can buy these products, and a whole lot more, at Kroger, Publix, Whole Food Market, or online at,,
I am going to be completly honest here, baking sugar-free is a bit trying at first, mostly because of the color and taste difference, but just stick with it, some things are even better than the orginal recipe.
My family and I recently started baking sugar-free and it was quite a change. We use coconut sugar which actually is not from the coconut, it is from tree itself! So it does not taste like coconut...more like a light brown sugar. And we use xylitol to sweeten our tea and coffee, which we do drink a lot of.
The first most important thing if you are a diabetic looking for a sugar substitute is to find one that does not effect your blood sugar right? Yes...but, you should also look for a substitute that actually has beneficial qualities. Like coconut sugar and xylitol or something like that, that actually is good for you. Stevia is also another great sugar substitute, but it does take some getting used too. I don't use it because...well I think it is nasty but some people (my Dad for one) love it immensely!
When baking with coconut sugar, again, just substitute it for the regular sugar. Granted it won't taste the same, and it cannot be used in some things, but it is quite good. And also when baking with coconut sugar you will want to add at least a quarter of a cup more then what the actual recipe calls for, it is not as sweet as regular sugar.
I believe that is all I have to say on the subject of Gluten-Free and Sugar-Free baking, so I will soon start posting recipes!
- Marriah
Okay, you just got the news that you have to go Gluten-Free or sugar free and now is the time to panic, right? Wrong! Gluten-Free baking is a blast and it is super easy! My family had to go Gluten-Free about a year ago and at first I was very unhappy, to put it lightly. Come on, I LOVE baking. It is a passion of mine, and I thought I would never make anything wonderful tasting again. Baking with bean flour was definitely not what I saw in a good muffin recipe. But then my older sister (who is also Gluten-Free) discovered Pamela's Gluten-Free Pancake and Baking Mix! And I have to say, I now like it better than all-purpose flour. All you have to do is just substitute it for flour!
A while ago I helped teach a Gluten-Free baking class, and everybody was saying how someone they had known said that baking Gluten-Free was a nightmare! It really is not! In some ways it seems easier than useing all-purpose flour. But a small thing you have to remember when baking Gluten-Free is that you can't let your batter sit out, because it will attract moisture from the air and change the consistency of the batter. Not much, but it won't be as good as it could have been.
Now if you don't know where you can buy Pamela's Gluten-Free Pancake and Baking mix you can buy it at Kroger, Publix, or online at
I hope you enjoyed the post and I will try and do one about Sugar-Free baking soon!
- Marriah